Organic Fertilizers and Gardening Supplies, Rock Dust, Worm Castings

Acid Lovers Plant Food (100% All Natural)

Acid Lovers Plant Food (100% All Natural)

NPK Rating: 6-3-7

Agrowinn’s "Acid Lovers Plant Food" is specifically formulated for gardeners that prefer to feed their plants naturally. This plant food provides essential nutrients required by acid loving plants like Orchids, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Gardenias, Plumeria, Cactus, Ferns, Camellias, Tropical Plants, Erica's, Kalmias, Columnias, and others.

Agrowinn's Acid Lovers Plant Food contains nutrients that promote blossoms and superb follage. Great for Clay Soils.

Acid Lovers Plant Food - 10 lb. Bag (USPS Shipping Included)

Acid Lovers Plant Food - 10 lb. Bag

Acid Lovers Plant Food - 20 lb. Bag (USPS Shipping Included)

Acid Lovers Plant Food - 20 lb. Bag

Acid Lovers Plant Food - 40 lb. Bag

Product Details

Application rate:

Apply 1-2 cup for small plants . No need to till into soil. Water thoroughly after feeding. For larger plants and flower bushes use 2-3 cups around base and over the drip line of the plant, or user 1 lb per inch of trunk diameter.

Application frequency:

Apply Agrowinn "Acid Lovers Plant Food" every 2 - 3 months


Derived from: Alfalfa Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Feather Meal,Potassium Sulfate and Sulfate of Potash Magnesia

Guaranteed Analysis: 6-3-7

Total Nitrogen (N) .................................................... 6.0%
  0.3% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
  5.7% Water InsoIuble Organic Nitrogen
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) ......................... 3.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O) .............................................. 7.0%
Calcium (Ca) ............................................................. 3.7%
Magnesium (Mg) ...................................................... 1 .0%
Tips & Extras