Organic Fertilizers and Gardening Supplies, Rock Dust, Worm Castings

Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)

Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)

Diatomaceous Earth repels: ants, bedbugs, box elder bugs, carpet beetles, centipedes, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs, fleas, grasshoppers, millipedes, slugs and silverfish.

Diatomaceous Earth is odorless and nontoxic and looks like white powder. It is composed of finely milled fossilized shells of minuscule organisms called diatoms. The microscopically fine, sharp edges desiccate the insects' exoskeletons upon contact and the pests dehydrate and die within hours. The insects also die when they eat the dust. Use the Dustin Mizer for easy application.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 3.8 oz. Dispenser (USPS Shipping Included)

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 2 lbs. (USPS Shipping Included)

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 2 lbs.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 5 lbs. (USPS Shipping Included)

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 5 lbs.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 10 lbs.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Perma Guard - 20 lbs.

Product Details

Diatomaceous Earth repels: ants, bedbugs, box elder bugs, carpet beetles, centipedes, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs, fleas, grasshoppers, millipedes, slugs and silverfish.

Diatomaceous Earth For Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is long term bed bug protection. It is a natural, non-toxic, 100% safe substance made up from crushed fossils of freshwater diatoms. This finely crushed powder has been proven for decades as an effective natural insecticide. As the bed bugs crawl through the Diatomacous Earth on your mattress, it cuts through the bed bugs waxy outer layer and absorbs essential lipids from bed bugs, causing them to dehydrate and die. While it is deadly to Bed Bugs and other insects, it is safe and harmless for people and animals. The dust is so safe, in fact, it is FDA approved as feed additive. It is an easy-to-use dust that can be used on carpets around the house and is a substitute for your expensive flea powder for your pets.


Diatomaceous Earth Flour suggested mixing Rate:

The manufacturer of Fossil Shell Flour Anti-caking agent, suggests that it be mixed in animal food at the rate of 2% of the dry weight of the food.

It can also be used for Grain Storage.

One cup of DE will protect 50 lbs of grain.

Do not inhale Dust. Keep out of Reach of Children. Store dry.

Indoor and Outdoor Application:

Sprinkle a light layer of Diotomaceous Earth in areas where pests frequent, including under stoves, cabinets, sinks, garbage cans, window and door frames and sills, entrance ways, sewer pipes and drains, and in cracks and crevices. Repeat treatment as needed.

Diatomaceous Earth used on Fruit Trees:

To get ants off fruit trees, mix ½ gallon of water with 1 cup of Diatomatious Earth, brush on like white wash, bottom part of trunk. You can also dust above the sprinkler line with the dry DE.


Ingredients: Diatomaceous Earth fresh Water type D10

  • Perma-Guard Food Grade
  • Also functions as an anti-caking agent
  • Made From Finely Ground Natural Fossil Shells Flour

The fine particles of DE are very abrasive and absoptive. By wearing through the protective cuticle of the Insects the DE absorbs bodily fluid until they die. This is a physical action; not chemical so the insects cannot develop immunity.

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